Book a bee talk with us.
Our talks are done with an observation hive so you can see the workings of a live hive without the fear of getting stung. Talks are done at our farm. The talk takes about 30 – 45 min and finishes with answering questions. Although we love to have children present during our talks, it is best if they are 5 years or older. It is a lot to ask a child younger than 5 to sit still during the duration of the talk. If the talk is done at our farm, after the talk you can shop our store and sample honey if you so desire.
All that attend must complete a release form, click here to download.
Bee talks are $8/pp. Your payment is non-refundable if you cancel after the cancelation period or do not show. Cancellations must be done 5 days prior to talk.
If you want a talk done at your location please call or text 610-401-8317 to set that up. The location must be no more than 20 miles from our farm. If your location is more than 20 miles a travel fee will be added to cost of talk.
If you have any questions please text 610-401-8317 or email support@funnyfarmapiaries.com

Book a beekeeper experience with us. Learn what it is like to be a beekeeper as we suit you up and take you into a live hive. Explaining what we look for when inspecting a hive. All the while we talk about the amazing honey bee. The experience takes roughly 45 to an hour.
Beekeeper experiences are a minimum of 1 person with a maximum of 6. You must be 8 years or older to participate. Children 8 - 15 must have at least one adult participating with them. The beekeeper experience is weather & temperature dependent. Text 610-401-8317 the morning of your appointment to verify that the experience will still be happening.
Beekeeper experiences are $20/pp and must be booked ahead of time. Payment is made at the time of booking to hold your date and is non-refundable if you are a no show. If you need to cancel it must be done at least 4 days prior to your date if not you will lose your payment.
Review the information below to prepare for your experience.
Wear long pants (preferably NOT black).
Bee Jackets & gloves are NOT sting proof.
We recommend not to use perfume or strongly-scented products. The bees may think that you are a big flower and become personally interested in you!
Socks above the ankles.
Boots or sneakers;
Each participant must sign (or their parents or legal guardian) a participation agreement that will be available at the apiary on the day of the tour or if need be, we can email the form to you for prior signatures. This agreement ensures that you or the parent / legal guardian understands the inherent risk around a working bee hive and we will not be held liable for bee stings, allergic reactions or unsafe behavior by participants of your tour as well as our right to refuse a participant a tour if we deem they are acting in a unsafe manner at the apiary and near the bee hives.​
All that attend must complete a release form, click here to download.
To book a beekeeper Experience email support@funnyfarmapiaires.com
Please be respectful of our farm and everything on it. For our tours, talks, & experiences please respect our farm and everyone on it (animals & humans). Do not wander around our farm without a guide and stay with your group. No screaming/yelling, especially around the bees. No swatting at the bees. Our bees just want to do their thing and not bother anyone. We have the right to cancel the activity if someone is not following the rules and your money will not be refunded.